February 3, 2009
Contact: Mark Nelson, Chairman 563-340-2597 or Email opt4better@mchsi.com
Newly Formed Taxpayer Watchdog PAC to Oppose Davenport Promise Program
A news conference will be held at the Davenport Library, 321 Main Street, Davenport, IA on Friday, February 6, at 10:30am to outline the opposition to the Promise Proposal.
A non-partisan PAC, Opt4Better, has been formed to promote limited government and lower taxes in the Iowa Quad Cities. "There is a need for regular, reasoned opposition to programs expanding the scope of local government, and increasing the burden on Davenport's taxpayers," says Mark Nelson, founder of Opt4Better. The PAC will follow local political activities, and engage in issue and candidate support.
Its first project is assisting the taxpayers of Davenport in working to defeat the Promise Program, in the March 3, 2009 referendum. "This program is an unnecessary and unsupportable burden on Davenport's taxpayers," says Nelson.
As noted in the Upjohn Study, conducted on behalf of the City of Davenport, "a high level of uncertainty clouds the fiscal impact estimates of the Promise." Nelson states, "Beyond this 'uncertainty,' there are several assumptions within the report that compound the level of problems. We want the taxpayers to be fully aware of the limited benefits and substantial risks associated with approving this massive expansion of local government."
Mark Nelson was born and reared in the Quad Cities. For the past 15 years he has lived in Davenport, working as a commercial real estate appraiser. Mark currently serves as the Chair of the Davenport Park and Recreation Advisory Committee. He previously has worked on several City of Davenport task forces, including Duck Creek, Fejervary Zoo and Credit Island. He has also been active in politics, Chairing his precinct's January 2008 Republican presidential caucus, running for local office, is a past Chair of the Libertarian Party of Iowa and the former Treasurer of the Libertarian National Committee.
For additional information you may contact Opt4Better's website at Opt4better.org
Well, The Davenport Promise will give hope and OPPURTINUITY to us kids! It will give us more reason to stay in school and out of trouble.