Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Petition Launched to Call for Lowering of Residential Tax Levy Rates Across Scott County, Iowa


Contact: Mark Nelson | info@opt4better.org | 563-340-2597 TUESDAY JANUARY 17, 2012

Local Option Sales Tax Revocation on the November Ballot Considered If Locally Elected Don't Take Action Now

DAVENPORT, IOWA - Citizens seeking residential property tax relief in Scott County announced a weeklong online and printed petition blitz at a late morning news conference hosted at the Davenport Public Library. The City of Davenport is holding its public budget hearing Jan 18th and is slated to vote on that budget January 25th. Numerous additional taxing authorities, including cities, schools and the county will be following suit this month.

The announcement included a presentation from the founder of Opt4Better.org, Mark Nelson, where he outlined how the statewide mandated allowable taxable valuation on homes in Iowa, aka the Rollback, has increased in each of the past four years. And, overall tax rates have increased each of the past five years.

"When the state rollback is increased, local taxing authorities enjoy a windfall of revenue before any budgeting discussions are had," said Nelson. "We see that as a clear opportunity for local taxing authorities to live within their means and lower the tax levy rates. This is not found money nor is it a license to increase spending."

Nelson addressed three primary concerns on behalf of property owners in Scott County.

1) A need for increased awareness about the complex and overlapping taxation documentation home owners receive in the mail about their property tax assessment and tax bills

2) Local governments need to acknowledge publicly the significant increase in revenues due to state Rollback increases and pursue a genuine reduction in expenditures, not a reduction in the rate of future growth

3) State legislators need to simplify the tax system and freeze residential taxable value percentages and provide stability to homeowners. The state needs to give municipalities the tools to reduce their costs and cease the mandates that take away flexibility in negotiating with unions.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lower Tax Levy Rates in Scott County | Petition News Conference Announced

----- MEDIA ADVISORY ------



WHERE: Downtown Davenport Public Library - Basement Film / Meeting Room

WHO: Opt4Better Citizens Action Group

All elected officials, the media and public at large are invited to attend a presentation from Opt4Better founder Mark Nelson regarding support for a Scott County wide petition to lower tax levy rates during current local government budgeting processes.

In March 2009, Nelson, a successful regional commercial appraiser and Davenport resident and taxpayer, led the effort to educate the local electorate in support of defeating the Davenport Promise entitlement program referendum.

Opt4Better is seeking more public education and transparency regarding the residential assessment, valuation and tax collecting processes by all local jurisdictions.

Nelson will provide historical data on the residential taxable valuations, (aka Rollback) and share analysis yet to be discussed in the public sphere.

He will outline the fiscally sound reasons taxpayers should require all locally elected officials in the municipalities, county and school districts to lower the tax levy rates now, for the 2012-2013 tax bill.

Nelson will provide options to save Scott County taxpayer's money via sound governmental cuts and fiscal policy changes. Efforts state legislators must take to simplify residential taxes and provide municipalities the tools to control costs will also be addressed.

Finally, Nelson will address measures voters can take during this Fall's general election, should local officials not heed the petitions to reduce levy rates being determined now.

The presentation is expected to take 20 minutes with time for Q&A afterwards.
More details and handouts will be available at the news conference.

Questions: Contact Mark Nelson at 563-340-2597 or info@opt4better.org

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